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Alumni, parents, students and donors gathered Saturday to mark the official opening of Cowen House, 体育菠菜大平台新建的12年级男女混合宿舍.
建造成本为5美元.8 million, 今年秋天,考恩学院迎来了第一批学生, 男孩们住在一侧, 女孩们在另一个和所有人的公共中心区域. It is the first new residence at Stanstead College since the opening of Webster House in 1991.
新宿舍解决了学院的两个问题. 随着入学人数的增加, 特别是在高年级, 养老院已经达到了最大容量. Secondly, the new residence recognizes the fact that Stanstead’s Grade 12s are transitioning to adulthood and should therefore have certain privileges not afforded the younger students.
Stanstead College is one of only three schools in Quebec that offers a Grade 12 prep program. Cowen House is the only co-ed Grade 12 residence in Quebec, if not Canada.
这座房子的名字是为了纪念魁北克诺尔顿的考恩家族., 学校的长期捐助者和支持者, 谁对这个项目做出了重大贡献. Jonathan Cowen, 体育菠菜大平台董事会主席(1972届), and Judith Cowen, a College trustee, were on hand for the event along with sons Jeffrey (2009) and Jason (2012).
The Cowens have been generous supporters of the school and its initiatives over the years, 为大型项目做出贡献, 比如帕特·伯恩斯竞技场, 还有更小但必要的, 比如翻新的洗手间, 总是谦恭而不张扬地这么做.
Mr. Cowen’s father, Stewart, 是学校的长期受托人吗, 弟弟杰米也是校友(1969年). Mr. Cowen自2004年起担任受托人,自2012年起担任主席. Mrs. 考恩于2015年成为受托人. Mr. Cowen是A . inc .的前总裁兼首席执行官,现已退休&D Prevost Inc.位于法国黎塞留(Richelieu)的建筑铝材公司.
Mr. 考恩感谢了他的家人, 建设委员会, designer Sylvain Pomerleau and contractor Tijaro for their work on the project as well as the many donors for their support.
“Education is the most valuable thing we can give the next generation,” he said. “还有在斯坦斯特德这儿, students not only get a great education but they get a real-life experience of social awareness. And that is why Judith and I along with all of you strive to help this wonderful institution mould tomorrow’s leaders.”

Mr. 考恩还提醒与会者 筹款活动正在进行中.
然后,考恩一家剪彩并揭开了基石. 随后,客人们被邀请到大厅听取约瑟夫·列维的祝酒词, 1969届毕业生,前董事会主席.
“I hope you students will remember the Cowens’ gift and the gifts of everyone who contributed to make this new residence a reality, 你们不仅会为考恩学院,也会为体育菠菜大平台感到骄傲, 你也会照顾好你的学校, 现在和将来,” he said.
Associate Head of School Joanne Carruthers along with Grade 12 students Rosalie Gadoua Giroux of Candiac, Que. 佛蒙特州德比莱恩的安德鲁·布查德. also spoke. 随后,客人们被邀请参观官邸.
Construction of Cowen House began in September 2018 and was ready for opening day of the school year. 在246名学生中, 有57个12年级的学生, 寄宿生和走读生都有.
Founded in 1872, Stanstead College is an independent boarding and day school for students in Grades 7 through 12.

Cowen House Facts

  • Co-ed, housed in two separate wings with a common lobby entrance and lounge with workplace seating, 电视和壁炉
  • 男生休息室和女生休息室
  • 29间双人房,可容纳58名寄宿生和走读生
  • 3 double rooms that can be part of either the boys or girls wing, depending on need
  • 25000平方英尺,三层
  • Each wing has apartments for house director and assistant house director
  • Project financed through donations from alumni, friends and private foundations
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