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我们人类渴望并寻求各种形式的稳定, 它是否来自环境, 一个或多个个体,甚至一个物体. 在其边境, I was a 14-year-old girl unaware of what awaited me after the doors of high school shut and even more unaware of what and where I would be living each year of my remaining years of high school. Here’s a little background information: I have been hopping from one place to another since the beginning of my existence. 即将进入10年级, I wanted to know what the environment of my next three years of high school would look like.
我寻求稳定的变化. 我一直知道的稳定形式是我的家庭, 因此,我在一个地方所缺乏的, 我的父母张开双臂,用爱来弥补各自的感情. I knew my family would always stand behind me and support the trembles we humans experience. 我有幸拥有最令人羡慕的,无敌的,美丽的家庭. They made sure that no matter the place we lived, we would have each other.

因此, 无论我在生活中处于什么位置, I see my mother and father within myself and Mini Me following in her own footsteps behind.

所以在我10年级开始的时候, 我寻求一种环境归属感, 我可以在学术上努力吗, 在运动和社交方面. And there I stood in front of a package of bricked buildings and green trees, 接下来的三年就在我眼前. There I stood a young 14-year-old girl who had no idea who she was and what she was doing.

斯坦斯特德给了我一个完美的成长之地. 你曾让我跌倒,又让我再试一次. You have shown me that things change and that sometimes it’s for the better. You have taught me that I am capable of whatever I seek to fully attain in life.

I have no other than Stanstead to thank for who I have grown into and who I am continually evolving into.
此外, 今天我站在大家面前, 一个17岁的年轻女子, 谁有缺陷?, 情绪激动,仍然不知道自己的未来. But what I do know is I will strut onto life’s unknown path with an understanding of who I am and that is all one can ask for as we enter the real world.

Earlier this year I placed myself under extreme duress by having the main role in the play, playing on an extremely skilled hockey team that requires sacrifice and commitment, maintaining a prefect role in the school and trying to attain the grades to hopefully get into a top academic institution.


然而我在这里. 这出戏很成功, I found my role within my hockey team on and off the ice and finally achieved my goal of getting into a top college where I will also be furthering my hockey career.
So why would I share with you all with my personal anecdotes and my thank you letter to Stanstead?

嗯,我能说的最好的方式就是用Mr. 皮姆:斯坦斯特德为每个人做了什么?
斯坦斯特德是一所预备学校. It prepares us for what awaits each and every one of us as we slowly but surely say goodbye to this place.

踏上艰难的岁月, 接受并不是所有的事情都保持不变, 拥抱摆在你面前的变化, 多次失败,并对这些失败表达你的情绪. 让自己在朋友、老师、教练和错误中成长. Immerse yourself in the opportunities that are within your very reach here in Stanstead.

你很幸运能来到这里,表现出来吧. 所以不管你在斯坦斯特德还有多少时间, 记住,当你开心的时候,时间过得很快.
